Aarhus University Seal

Clarification of competences: Reflection: Learning outcomes from written assignments

Brief description

The students must reflect on and formulate their own learning outcomes of relevant assignments and by doing so see the relevance between the academic subject and their own future in the job market.

Motivation for the exercise and required outcome

The purpose of this exercise is to give the students an opportunity to consider and reflect on the outcome of their academic subject as regards concrete academic content and their own learning. The questions in handout 1 invite the students to reflect and provide them with an opportunity to link their theoretical knowledge to their personal experience from the teaching activities.

Linking their reflections on academic content and their own learning in relation to completing a concrete assignment will strengthen the students’ academic competences and their experience of the relevance of their academic subject for their own future – the time when they have graduated and are heading for the job market.

Performing the exercise

  • As a teacher, you must introduce this exercise when the students have completed an academic assignment (a product, a case, a presentation etc.).
  • Ask the students to reflect in groups on the first part of the questions in handout 1 (approx. 10 minutes).
  • Then instruct the students to remain in the group but to answer the second part of the questions in handout 1 individually (approx. 10 minutes).

  • The students should then summarise their answers in the group, discussing their individual responses and ask for more details if they have different perspectives and points (10 minutes).

  • You as a teacher must follow up in class and encourage the students to keep their handouts.


  • The tool may be used more broadly if it does not only refer to specific assignments. For instance, the tool may be used when students work on certain issues; as a tool to evaluate the students’ work, to evaluate group work in general, or as an element in the evaluation of the students’ academic outcome of the course.

You will need:

  • Extracts from the academic regulations
  • Download the attached handout here: