Aarhus University Seal

Internship: Exchange of experience regarding the internship

Brief description

The exercise provides the students with an opportunity to consider and reflect on themselves as regards possible work situations in a project placement. The students must exchange experience with each other regarding their project placements and formulate their learning outcomes from relevant tasks during the internship, and link the experience to their academic and personal interests.

Motivation for the exercise and required outcome

The purpose of the exercise is to create a space in which the students may exchange experience from their project placements. Based on the questions in handout 1, space is created for the students to reflect on their experiences in the project placements and on how these may be linked to their academic and theoretical knowledge and interests. At the same time, the exercise questions also support the students’ reflections on how to bring their own academic competences into play in a job context.

Performing the exercise

  • You as a teacher must divide the students into groups of four.
  • You then provide each group with handout 1, which includes questions regarding experience exchange.
  • The students take turns to read a question aloud and answer it. The other group members may ask clarifying questions and relate the answers to their own experiences.
  • The students now take turns to read a question aloud and answer it.
  • Once the groups have gone through all the questions, you may get together for a plenary session.


  • The tool may be used both during and after the students’ internships. If the tool is used twice, you may compare notes from both sessions and discuss the students’ progression.


    Examples of practice

      You will need:

      • Download the attached handout here: