Aarhus University Seal

Clarification of competences: Academic objectives translated into competences

Brief description

The students should translate the abstract learning objectives of the academic subject into concrete competences by reformulating the objectives in the academic regulations. In this way, the students may work with the knowledge, skills and competence objectives of the academic subject and link these to concrete competences they have obtained in the course, and which they may use in their future studies and work careers.

Motivation for the exercise and required outcome

By translating abstract academic objectives into concrete competences, the students may gain more insight into the academic subject’s contribution to their learning and development. This may contribute to their understanding of the relevance of the academic subject and raise their level of reflection regarding the theory of the discipline. Through shared reflection, the students may see more clearly how their learning outcome of the academic subject may help them in their future studies and in their work careers.​

Performing the exercise

  • As a teacher you must insert a minimum of three academic objectives in the template (handout 1) (Awaiting translation) before the activity begins.
  • The students team up in groups of six and subsequently in pairs. If there are more than six students in a group, some students will work in groups of three on the exercise.
  • Each group receives three exercise sheets (handout 1). One academic objective is stated in each sheet. Pair No. 1 starts by writing a few brief practice examples from their academic subject which exemplify the academic objectives. Pair No. 2 does the same on the basis of academic objectives 2, etc.
    • The pairs write some examples of the competences they have made use of in the concrete practice example (four minutes in total – time is kept by the group). The pair write the example on a post-it, which they then place in the exercise sheet listing the concrete academic objectives.
    • After each round, each pair gives a brief presentation of their choice of practice examples and competences and how they both relate to the individual academic objective (two minutes in total).
    • Then the exercise sheets are passed on in the group, and a new pair now write their practice examples and competences in relation to the academic objective.
  • Finally, all group members take photos of the three sheets for later inspiration.


  • The exercise may be carried out without circulating the exercise sheet. In this case, the students may team up in groups of two or three and still work through all the selected academic objectives. If you choose this procedure, it will be helpful if you follow up on the exercise in class.

  • The exercise may also be undertaken with students sitting in pairs, filling in the academic objectives and then circulating the sheet.


    Examples of practice

      You will need:

      • Post-its
      • Possibly pens
      • Download the attached handout here (copies for all groups):