Aarhus University Seal

Exam: Subject-related student videos

Brief description

By integrating subject-related student videos as a sub-element in the classical synopsis exam you as a teacher may promote a creative learning process in which the students prepare subject-related videos, working actively and in practice with the theory, themes and issues of the academic subject.  It is important to stress that the students are not being tested in film production, only subject-related content, using visual media as an extra mode of expression.  

Motivation for the exercise and required outcome

Including video production and visual effects in the academic presentation and work process supports the students in working actively with their understanding and communication of an academic subject. When the students prepare subject-related videos as part of their oral exam presentation, they also have the opportunity to edit the presentation situation, which may result in a less stressful experience and less nervousness in the exam situation. They are able to practice, film record, adjust and edit their presentation at home, causing them to be in greater control and sharpening their focus when communicating the content at the exam.

Performing the exercise

  • You must give the students an introduction to the synopsis exam with included subject-related student videos. This should already be done in the middle of the semester.
  • Introduce the students to this type of examination and explain to them how they must integrate a 3-minute video into their oral presentation in the synopsis exam at the end of their course.
  • In this introduction you should make it clear to the students that what is essential in the video is that their argumentation is academic, that the video and synopsis are well aligned, and that the video prepares the ground well for the subsequent oral dialogue.  

  • Make explicit the requirements for the video production. Here are some examples:

    • Whether the video should be a film, a screencast (screen display with slides etc.), a combination of several formats, or the students are free to choose their own format. 

    • Whether the students themselves should appear in the video.

    • How much time and energy students are expected to spend on the video production. 

    • Whether certain requirements apply to the equipment used by students. Whether equipment is made available by the university. 

  • Give the students an introduction to the preparation of manuscripts, sound recordings, films and screencasts. Alternatively, you may provide the students with the following guide to video production.

  • For their exam, students choose a problem which the subject-related video must relate to.  The video may, for instance, act as a kind of audio-visual fact box on the problem they present in their exam case. 

  • In a creative learning process during the semester, students will prepare their subject-related videos, working actively and in practice with the theory, themes and issues of the subject. 

  • While producing their subject-related videos, the students must submit their written synopsis.  

  • They must submit their completed video in WISEflow and show this at their exam as an introduction prior to the oral dialogue between the student, examiner and co-examiner. 


Variation options:

  • Ask the students to give feedback to each other on their individual production work.  This may be included as fixed deadlines, which is helpful for the progression in the production of videos and for the quality of the communication of academic content. 

  • Instead, use the video as a type of product exam, provided the academic regulations allow for this.


    Examples of practice

      Worth considering

      • Should you, as a teacher, conduct a workshop on manuscripts, video editing and sound recording, based on the needs and levels of individual students?
      • Do certain requirements apply to the equipment and technology used by students? Does the university make equipment available, or can the videos be recorded using a smartphone?