Aarhus University Seal

View as Student

The “View as Student” feature allows you to view your Brightspace course from a student's perspective. The View as Student function is good for giving you a quick overview of what your course looks like, but is just a "shell" that is placed on top of your normal user.

If you want to complete a quiz or hand in an assignment as a student, you can instead add a test user to your course that you can use. 

Pay attention to the following:

Others can also impersonate the test user you have enrolled in your course - also at the same time as you. Therefore, you must be aware of whether you have data on the course which may not be available to unauthorized persons. In this case, you should not use a test user, always remember to remove from the test user when you have finished checking your setup.

It is also possible to see individual activities as a student, see the different guides under the different activities.

Below you will find instructions for:

The video is in danish and have english captions. You need to enable them manually on the button marked CC.

1. See the whole course as a student

This guide shows you how to turn the view as student function on and off.

Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again.

2. Add and impersonate a test user

This guide shows you how to add a test user who is a student who e.g. can be used to complete a quiz or submit an assignment. With this user you can more than "View as student".

Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again.

Below you will find a list (divided by faculty) of the test users found in Brightspace. Remember to remove/unenroll the user from your course when you have finished using them, as all instructors can impersonate these users.


DPU - Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse  
Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur  
Institut for Kultur og Samfund  


Institut for Forretningsudvikling og Teknologi  
Institut for Virksomhedsledelse  
Institut for Statskundskab  
Institut for Økonomi  
Juridisk Institut  
Psykologisk Institut   


Institut for Biomedicin  
Institut for Folkesundhed    
Institut for Klinisk Medicin
Institut for Odontologi og Oral Sundhed  


Institut for Datalogi  
Institut for Fysik og Astronomi   
Institut for Geoscience   
Institut for Kemi   
Institut for Matematik   
Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik  


Institut for Agroøkolog  
Institut for Bio- og Kemiteknologi   
Institut for Byggeri og Bygningsdesign 
Institut for Elektro- og Computerteknologi  
Institut for Fødevarer   
Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab    
Institut for Mekanik og Produktion