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Interactive and engaging teaching tool

Mentimeter is used for live polls and questions in your teaching. Students can use their phone, tablet or computer to respond to questions posed in real-time via their browser or an app. Mentimeter helps you engage all students during lectures or during classroom instruction. The tool is particularly useful for creating dialogue in class or testing the comprehension of students.


Use the tool for:

  • Live polling tool that includes a variety of different question types.

  • Live quiz function that can be used to set up polls as competitions. This is only possible for certain types of questions, e.g. multiple choice.
  • The teacher controls Mentimeter from their own computer, and students respond via a browser or the app on their own device.
  • Students access Mentimeter on www.menti.com or via the app using the code shown on your slide.
  • A PowerPoint presentation can be imported directly, and you can use Mentimeter as an alternative presentation tool.

Tool functions

Create questions

In Mentimeter, you can create various interactive elements to engage students during teaching.

Types of questions

  • Multiple Choice: choose between a number of options
  • Word Cloud: students add individual words that are then shown in a cloud. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it will appear in the cloud.
  • Open Ended: Free text
  • Scales: Place answers on a scale that you define yourself.
  • Ranking: Rank answers
  • Q&A: Students ask the questions. Fellow students can upvote a question.

Quiz Competition

  • Select Answer: Students select an answer from predefined options set by the teacher.

  • Type of Answer: Students do not see the answers, but must write the correct answer.

Slide presentation

Mentimeter works a bit like PowerPoint. You create a presentation and add slides to it. Each slide can contain a question or present content.

Advanced questions

  • 100 points

  • 2x2 Grid: Place the answer in a matrix.
  • Quick Form: A survey where students can answer several questions at a time.
  • Who will win?: Make it a competition and see who wins. For example, Trump vs. Biden.
  • Pin on Image: Upload a photo on which students place their answers. For example, a map. 

        Presenter/Audience pace

        As a general rule, the teacher controls the pace, i.e. students can only answer a question once the teacher gets to a question slide. However, the teacher can choose Audience pace, allowing students to answer questions at their own pace.

        Hide student answers until everyone has responded.

        Students cannot see what others have answered until they have answered the question themselves. This ensures that everyone considers the question and answers it without being influenced by other peoples’ answers. You can hide answers while presenting by using the “H” shortcut on your keyboard.

        Use Mentimeter in your teaching

        Below you will find examples of learning activities that you can use as a jumping off point or inspiration when using Mentimeter.


        Create polls, e.g. peer instruction, and test students during teaching. This provides variation in your teaching and lets students actively engage with the academic content    


        Use it for discussions in class or in groups. Let students respond individually to your questions in Mentimeter and then show the class how they responded as a whole. Discuss the correct answer in a plenary session, in groups or in pairs, and then ask the same question again and see the difference in the students’ answers.

        PowerPoint alternative

        As an alternative to PowerPoint, Mentimeter can also be used for presentations. Mentimeter helps you build interactive presentations that engage students

        Recapitulation and questions

        To clear up uncertainties, you can have students answer questions related to the academic subject or have them ask questions about the subject themselves

        Technical guides

        1. Sign up for Mentimeter

        This guide shows you how to sign up for Mentimeter before you start using it.

        Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again. 

        2. Overview of Mentimeter

        This guide gives you an overview of the front page of Mentimeter and the different ways to create presentations.

        3. Make a Mentimeter presentation

        This guide shows you how to create a Mentimeter presentation and fill it with different questions and activities.

        4. Present and share your Mentimenter presentation

        This guide shows you how to present and share your Mentimeter presentation so your audience can interact with it.

        5. Type of Menti: Presentation or survey?

        This guide shows you how to change your Mentimeter to be a live presentation or a survey, where the participants to through the Menti at their own pace.