Aarhus University Seal



January 2025, Padlet will be replaced by the TaskCards tool. Keep an eye on this page, where there will be regular instructions for the new tool. Webinars are also offered for technical and educational use of TaskCards.

Online bulletin board

TaskCards is a virtual bulletin board allowing students to easily share posts, links, images, audio files, text documents and videos. Students can also see and add comments to each other’s posts etc. The simple and flexible design makes the tool useful in many different teaching contexts.

Use the tool for:

  • Online bulletin board for collaboration, discussion, summing up and brainstorming

  • Sharing content with students via direct links, or as embedded content on a website
  • Live updates so that new content is visible to all users right away
  • The teacher administers the students’ rights when using the program, for example whether they should have permission to write and comment, or whether they should not be allowed to add content
  • 5 different layouts, for example wall, board or timeline
  • A TaskCard can be exported as a picture.

Tool functions

Different setups

TaskCards has five different setups, each of which can be used for different purposes:

  • Pinboard – Organize your posts in a Kanban-style board, with columns, each having its own heading.
  • Chalkboard – Place your posts freely on the board and connect them with arrows, e.g., for mind mapping.
  • World Map – Add posts to a world map to highlight course-related people or locations.
  • Timeline – Create a timeline for a teaching theme or course.
  • Story – Organize your posts as a blog, similar to a social media feed.

Integration with LMS (Brightspace)

TaskCards works well with other digital learning tools. For example, you can integrate your TaskCard directly into Brightspace or other websites. You can also add content to a TaskCard from other services, e.g. share Mentimeter content or text documents.

Comments and reactions

The option to comment on posts can be turned on and off. For each post, you can allow reactions in the form of likes, upvotes, stars or grades.


Editing rights

In the TaskCards settings, you can easily decide whether and how students should be allowed to add posts in a TaskCard. 

  • Students can only view your TaskCard, but cannot create posts or comment on posts
  • Students can comment on posts, but not share posts themselves
  • Students can share their own posts and comment on other people's posts
  • Students can share their own posts, and comment on and edit other people’s posts    

Varied content

You can share many different types of content in TaskCards. The program even includes a screen recorder and an audio recorder, so that you and your students can easily record content directly into a TaskCard. This works particularly well with the smartphone app. Furthermore, you can draw and share files and links to videos and music. The text in each post can be formatted with headings, italics, bold, bullets, etc


There are many ways to share content in TaskCards. When you want to interact with your students, you should use a link so students can add content. Subsequently, you can share the content as a PDF and make it available to the students as a resource.

Use TaskCards in your teaching

Below, you will find examples of learning activities that you can use and draw inspiration from when using TaskCards in your teaching:

Group work

For group work, allowing students to share ideas, reflections, comments etc. across the groups. .


For brainstorming where you allow your students to share any ideas and input that come to mind. To provide some structure, you can use the Shelf layout to make columns with different headings, or the Canvas layout to draw arrows between different content.


Visual timelines using the Timeline layout. In the Timeline layout, you can place content in chronological order or ask students to organise events, eras or images on the timeline.

Summing up

For summing up on important points. This is a good way to save the outcome of a teaching session so students can revisit it afterwards.

Ongoing input

For ongoing inputs using the Backchannel layout. In Backchannel, you can set up a simple chat where students can comment and ask questions during your teaching. Skim the chat during the break and see if there are any questions that you need to follow up on.

Technical guides

1. Get started with TaskCards

This guide shows you how to get started using TaskCards and the most commonly used features.

Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again. 

2. Share a TaskCard with others

This guide shows you how to share access to your TaskCard and what the different settings provide access to. By reviewing the instructions, you should like to get an idea of how to set up your TaskCard so that it is shared the way you want it.

Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again.

3. Display TaskCards in Brightspace

This guide shows you how to view your TaskCard inside Brightspace. You can see the guide that precede this if you want to make sure that your "share settings" are set up correctly.

Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again.

4. Import your Padlets to TaskCards

This guide show you how to import your Padlets to TaskCards.

NB: The transfer can be very time consuming, especially if your Padlets contains pictures.

NB: Only Padlets set to the "Wall" type can be transferred. If you have other types of Padlets, you must first change their settings before they can be transferred.

To transfer your Padlets to TaskCards, you first need to download the program 'TaskCards CardIO' to your PC or Mac. Select a guide for this below:

Then continue with the instructions below.

Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again.

5. Get Padlet as Excel file

This guide show you how to get your Padlets data as Excel files.