Aarhus University Seal

Extended functions in Panopto

Here you can learn more about the extended functions available in Panopto. You can use these functions to make your videos more interactive, get statistics on the use of your videos, etc.

1. See statistics for videos, folders and courses

2. Edit video in Panopto

This guide shows you how to use the basic editing tools built into Panopto

3. Overview of extended functions in Panopto

This guide gives you an overview of the various extra functions you can use in Panopto.

4. Add slide/powerpoint to your video

5. Add a quiz to your video

This guide shows you how to add a quiz to a certain point in your Panopto video. A video will stop when you have to answer quizzes and you can add more than one quiz per video.

6. See results of a quiz in Panopto

Here you can see how to get the answer results for a quiz that is inside your Panopto video.


This guide shows you how to create bookmarks when watching a video, to which you can write personal notes. These notes are saved when you close the video and make it easy to navigate around a video.

8. Remove captions from Panopto videos

All captions are auto-generated in Panopto and they are generated to accommodate students with visual impairments, but they are not always correct, to such an extent that they can be misleading. This guide will therefore show you how to remove subtitles for videos in a specific folder.