The students explore the chatbot’s capabilities and limitations by playing 20 questions with it.
UNDERSTANDING TECHNOLOGY | The students familiarise themselves with the chatbot and its limitations by practising how to write prompts. The students will become more confident in using chatbots as a tool. |
SHARING EXPERIENCES | The students can share their strategies for utilising chatbots. |
UNDERSTANDING THE FIELD | The students can actively research their own field of study using a chatbot. |
PLENUM(5-15 minutes) |
INDIVIDUEL(10 minutes) |
PLENUM(5 minutes) |
HOW TO WRITE A GOOD PROMPT | If the students are unfamiliar with using chatbots, you should emphasise the importance of writing a good prompt. A short and precise prompt increases the likelihood that the chatbot will answer and behave the way that was intended. |
LIMITED KNOWLEDGE | Chatbots may have limited knowledge of concepts or events that have occurred after a specific year. The students should try to only work within the chatbot’s frame of knowledge. You can check which limitations the chatbot in question may have. |
Please contact the editors at AU Educate if you have any questions about the content of the platform or if you need consultation on your teaching from one of the many skilled professionals at the Centre for Educational Development.