Aarhus University Seal

Introductory presentation with online discussion

Brief description

By means of an online forum or a blog, this activity gives the students an opportunity to ask clarifying questions and start a discussion regarding subject-related content selected by you as a teacher. This means that they are required to have a relevant discussion in which you may participate, clear up misunderstandings and involve the students in a fruitful academic debate.

Motivation for the activity and required outcome

The purpose of the activity is to focus on the questions students might have to the subject-related content included in the syllabus or taught in a class session. By encouraging your students to discuss the subject-related content and ask questions, you may guide them to take a more reflective and critical approach to theories and concepts presented in the course. At the same time, this may train their understanding and ability to express themselves in writing regarding the subject and concepts of the course.

Performing the activity

  • You as a teacher must set an assignment for the students, asking them to read a subject-related blog post or an article, or to watch a video that is relevant to the subject. This may for instance be a video presentation made by yourself.
  • You must create a forum or blog, for instance in Brightspace Discussions, in which the students can comment on and discuss the content of the homework they have just viewed or read.
  • You as a teacher must answer and discuss any questions and comments with the students in this online forum.
  • You may then follow up on the most important points from this discussion in your next teaching session.


  • Rather than answering the students’ questions yourself, you may encourage them to try to answer each other’s questions.
  • In large classes it may be an advantage to prepare questions in groups.


    Examples of Practice

      You will need:

      • Subject-relevant content for the students to view or read between sessions. This may be an article or a video with a presentation by you as a teacher.

      Worth considering:

      • Should you set up requirements for student attendance and the extent of this?
      • What material from your subject might be suitable for a debate in writing and a question round?