Aarhus University Seal

Major written assignment with peer feedback    

Short description

The purpose of the Rehabilitation course is to teach the student to reflect and theorise on and discuss the interplay between health, sickness, symptoms, functional capacity and context and the effect of these at societal, group and individual levels. This includes how to identify the need for social-medicine and rehabilitation interventions and how to organise and coordinate coherent interventions across professions and sectors.    

Teacher's motivation

  • A need was identified to highlight the connection between the purpose and objectives of the course and the exam by introducing a major assignment resembling the exam.
  • A wish was also expressed to use peer feedback to strengthen the students’ academic reflection, which coincided with a need to increase individual feedback for each student.
  • The feedback was to be criteria-based, and the students were to have an overview of the written feedback within all criteria and to be able to provide this.
  • Moreover, the assignments and the feedback were to be solved and provided in groups and were to be shared and made accessible to all students in the course.

Description of the activity

  • The teacher created a Wiki page for each group in Blackboard’s Wiki function (ATT: Now we recommend the Discussions tool in Brightspace). This tool enables students in groups to write in a feedback form and share their assignments and feedback with everyone.
  • The teacher inserted an empty feedback template in each Wiki page (now Discussions).
  • The teacher also uploaded information to Blackboard regarding the feedback procedure and division into groups.
  • In addition to this, the teacher introduced the assignment in the classroom.
  • Each group uploaded their assignment to their own page and gave feedback to another group on that group’s page.

Outcome of the activity

On behalf of the groups, the student representatives express great satisfaction with the course in terms of form, content and outcome. It is also their experience that the course interacts well with other courses in the semester and with the degree programme in general.

Worth considering

  • The students may find that having to provide feedback to others increases their reflection and improves their argumentation.
  • A wiki can be used to share assignments and feedback or as a peer feedback tool in case of group assignments.

Basic information

  • Faculty: Health

  • Degree Programme: Public Health Science

  • Course: Social medicine and Rehabilitation

  • Study level: BSc

  • Course size: Approx. 50 students

  • Teaching method: Lecture/ Small class teaching

  • Extent: Activity

  • Applied technology: Wiki's in Blackboard (ATT: now Discussions in Brightspace are used)

  • How the case was conducted: Campus teaching with the use of digital tools for learning