Faculty: Arts. Degree Programme: Comparative Literature. Course: Comparative Literature 2. Study level: Bachelor. Class size: 50.
The students' oral presentations often create problems in the classroom. Many presentations are not sufficiently precise, and the audience is not always particularly attentive, apparently thinking that the time could have been better used.
The oral presentation is part of the training for the oral examination as a general practice in relevant, focused and concise oral presentation.
The class is divided into study groups where four groups each have prepared a presentation of approx. 15 minutes with an interpretation of a short story in a comparative perspective. Each study group has chosen its own focus and perspective.
In the three first videos below, Svend Erik Larsen and three of the students reflect on the entire excercise with regard to training oral presentations.
In the fourth video Svend Erik Larsen provides two useful pieces of advice for students who have to make group presentations.