Aarhus University Seal

International databases and web resources for case teaching 

Brief description

In this course, students are introduced to international databases and programmes to process and communicate the data in these databases. Students use these materials and technologies to answer specific questions or explain global issues. 

The teacher’s motivation

Using cases related to global health in class provides a natural common thread throughout the course. In recent years (2019-2022), course material and assignments have focused on the Corona virus as a case and as a topic. Using current data, international databases and web resources makes the course more engaging and relevant for students.

Moreover, asking students to work on cases and allocating different topics to different groups – in a course with six teachers – gives a good foundation for the teaching team to collaborate and coordinate when to focus on the different topics and how to refer to each other’s topics. 

Description of the activity

The teaching session:

  • In the first third of the course, students are taught how to use the relevant programmes and methods, and they learn about data processing objectives. They also learn about the rules governing the use of data, such as GDPR, confidentiality, consent and information security. 

  • In the next phase, teaching focuses on helping students become more familiar with the work processes related to their use of academically relevant databases, and students use their knowledge to design various products in the visualisation programmes and to complete assignments related to the cases used throughout the course. 

  • By using these programmes to produce dynamic and animated graphic multimedia products, students can develop and challenge their creativity.  

  • The course concludes with a 48-hour take-home assignment with a variety of tasks that train this creativity. 

Resources for students:

  1. Course created in Brightspace 
  2. Links to software, including:  
  3. Web resources and international databases, for example: 

Support for students:

  1. GDPR course on Brightspace
  2. RedCAP course
  3. Online Q/A with teaching team 

Outcome of the activity

Data from international databases, the World Health Organisation and web resources were an integrated part of the course and challenged the students to obtain information, data and access to different sources. 

Worth considering

Licenses for relevant programmes can be expensive. For example, a license to GraphPad costs around DKK 3500 per course. It can be difficult to cover expenses for specialised academic databases, software or other required programmes. 

Useful tips

  • Using recurring cases/narratives throughout the course can help with the didactic aspects of course design. In this course, where there are several teachers, using cases makes it easier to create a common thread throughout the course and between the teachers. 

  • Using international resources helps to elevate the teaching by providing several perspectives and giving rise to relevant discussions and reflections. 


    Examples of practice

      Basic information

      • Form of instruction: Lecture           

      • Extent: Whole course

      • Primary activity type: Knowledge and information, analysis / collaboration, production                

      • Applied technologyPadlet, Mentimeter, Brightspace, Office 365 and Teams      

      • How the case is carried out: Campus teaching with the use of digital tools for learning

      Learning objectives

      • Students will be able to identify databases in order to produce a narrative about health-related problems.
      • Students will be able to present data using GraphPad and Gapminder.
      • This focuses on promoting sustainable global development based on objective information.