Aarhus University Seal

Sports Philosophical Discussion Forum

Short description

The course

The course gives a general introduction to basic positions within moral philosophy. The student acquires knowledge about key theories withing sport and ethics with a view to being able to understand and analyse current ethical issues appearing in both sport practice and sport research.

Teacher's motivation

Previously, arguments in discussions among students were characterised by undocumented attitudes, and a need therefore arose for more reflective discussions based on arguments from the literature. Discussion skills are measured at exams, and there was therefore a need to train these skills in the students while maintaining a focus on the subject and not the exam. Moreover, there was a wish to create activity between teaching sessions.

Description of the activity

In order to simplify the technical part of the activity, Blackboard’s discussion board (Now Brightspace) was used as a tool. 

  • The teacher prepared provocative discussion questions in this discussion board.
  • The students then took on different roles and defended their different arguments on the basis of these.
  • The discussions served as peer feedback.

Outcome of the activity

The students presented arguments from the discussion board at their exams. The discussions made the course more lively, and the issues became more realistic and interesting. However, the students asked that more time should be allocated for the activity, and that the discussion board should be implemented from the beginning of the course. Students generally expressed great satisfaction with the summary in class, where they received feedback and an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the positions taken.

Worth considering

  • A written discussion can impel the students to document and reflect on their attitudes.
  • Discussion fora create activity between sessions and allow the students to receive peer feedback.

Basic information

  • Faculty: Health
  • Degree Programme: Sports Science
  • Course: Sport and ethics
  • Study level: Master's degree level
  • Course size: Approx. 15 students 
  • Teaching method: Small class teaching
  • Extent: Activity
  • Primary type of activity: Discussion
  • Applied technology: Blackboard (Now Brightspace)
  • How the case was conduted: Campus teaching with the use of digital tools for learning

Links and materials

Video with teacher Rasmus Bysted Møller explaining sports philosophical discussion forum (English subtitles):