Aarhus University Seal

Discover Courses

Discover courses are meant to be self-tudy courses that you can do at your own pace. Some courses you are registered for by default and others you can sing up for yourself. Once you have signed up for a Discover course, you can see it on the front page of your Brightspace page. When you have completed a Discover course or if you no longer wish to participate in it, you can unsubscribe from it.

Below you will find instructions for:

1. Sign up for a Discover course

This guide shows you how you sign up for a Discover course.

Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again.

2. Unsubscribe from a Discover course

This guide shows you how to unsubscribe from a Discover course.

Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again.