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Panopto in Brightspace

Here you can read more about how Panopto is integrated into Brightspace. The guides show you how to use Panopto from Brightspace and what different options Panopto offers.

The advantages of using Panopto are that there is good stability in all video playbacks, it is easy to copy videos from one course to another and that regardless of whether you record from your computer or form an auditorium, all videos can be accessed through Brightspace.

NOTE: The first instructions show you how to create a Panopto folder in your Brightspace course, all subsequent instructions are based on the first instructions being reviewed.

1. Create a Panopto folder in Brightspace and get a overview of the functions

This guide shows you how to access the Video service Panopto from your Brightspace course. The first time you do this, a course directory will automatically be created in Panopto. That way, you will always be able to video up in the correct course directory.

2. Upload video to Panopto-folder in Brightspace

3. Insert embedded Panopto video in Brightspace

This guide shows you how to paste specific videos into individual HTML pages or folders. This way, you can more easily control the order in which your students will watch your videos.

4. Create Panopto-folder to videos in Brightspace

This guide shows you how to make your Panopto folder / overview appear in your content menu, where it can also be made visible to your students.

5. Record you teaching session from Brightspace with the Panopto Program

This guide shows you how to launch the Panopto program from Brightspace so you can create a video that goes directly into your Brightspace course.

6. Record you teaching session from Brightspace with Panopto Capture

This guide shows you how to use Panopto Capture to record a video directly in your browser. This is a quick way to get started with recordings. However, Panopto Capture cannot do livestreams.

7. Live stream with Panopto in Brightspace

This guide shows you how to start a livestream from within your Brightspace course, so everyone enrolled in the course can view it, but no one else can. Afterwards, the recording of the livestream will be available in the Brightspace course.

8. Create Assignment Folder in Brightspace

This guide shows you how to create a folder in Panopto that your students can use to submit videos.

Note: You can create multiple submission folders, but only one can be open at a time. If you need multiple submission folders, they should be created sequentially.

9. Create and use a Playlist in Panopto