Aarhus University Seal

Polls for identifying play

Course description

The course is a multidisciplinary introduction to play, learning, creativity and the relationships believed to exist between them.Historically, play and creativity have been difficult entities both to define and to approach with various forms of rigorous methodology. This practice example presents a way to equip students to identify play and phenomena related to it. The students are introduced to identification criteria, which they use in the classto identify play in a number of selected videos. After this, the students participate in a poll, which gives the teacher the opportunity to uncover knowledge gaps and misunderstandings.

Teacher's motivation

The students had to learn to identify play and I wanted an activity that promoted active engagement and learning. 

Description of the activity

The activity consists of students' preparation from home and of activities in the group teaching.

Student preparation:

  • Before teaching, students read a text of 5 criteria for identifying play (eg, "Play takes place repeatedly, but not in a stereotypical way").

In the teaching:

  • In teaching, the teacher reviews the criteria in conjunction with the students to make sure they understand them.
  • The instructor shows the students a series of videos with human or animal behavior.
  • Students are then asked to go to menti.com where they are to participate in a poll. For each video, they can select the following response options, where it is allowed to select several at a time:

a) Yes, the behavior qualifies as gambling.

b) No, the behavior lacks the first criterion.

c) No, the behavior lacks the second criterion.

d) No, the behavior lacks the third criterion.

e) No, the behavior lacks the fourth criterion.

f) No, the behavior lacks the fifth criterion.

  • The students' answers are displayed on the board using mentimeter. This activity enables the teacher to see where the students have knowledge gaps, and on the basis of this, any misunderstandings can be corrected and form the basis for discussion.

Example of powerpoint slide for the activity (4 videos):


The students were very engaged with applying their knowledge and many of them mentioned and complimented this activity specifically in the evaluations. 

Worth considering

  • Pick some good videos. This can take a while, but it is all worth it in the end.

Basic informations

  • Faculty: Arts
  • Degree Programme: Archaeology
  • Course: Leg, læring og kreativitet
  • Course level: BA
  • Course size: 25 students
  • Form of teaching: Classroom teaching
  • Extent: Activity on the course
  • Primary type of activity: Acquisition
  • Applied technology: Mentimenter
  • How the case was conducted: Campus teaching with the use of digital tools for learning

Learning objectives

The activity aims:

  • to make the students capable to identify play.
  • to make the students capable to identify any kind of phenomenon related to play that can be captured on video.

Links and materials