Aarhus University Seal


Instructors can use the Grades system in Brightspace to assess students' assignments and give an overview.

The Grades tool are associated with:

  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Discussions

The Grades tool in Brightspace is based on the allocation of points and the percentage weighting of individual tasks in relation to an overall assessment. However, these weighted grades isn’t used in Denmark and the guides below therefor demonstrates how you can use Grades to get an overview of who has completed a quiz or who has submitted an assignment and who hasn’t submitted. It is also possible to get an overview of which activities you have approved and which you haven’t.

Aarhus University has therefor created a Grade Scheme which you can use on activities that should be marked as Complete/Incomplete.

Grades is one of the more complicated tools in Brightspace and we will continuously develop the guide to the tool. If you already have an idea of ​​how you want to use “Grades” in Brightspace and need guidance regarding a specific use, you are always welcome to contact the Brightspace support via https://medarbejdere.au.dk/en/administration/au-studies-administration/study-systems/brightspace/contact/.

1. Get started with Grades

This guide shows you where you can use grades to make a Scheme that can be used to auto-evaluate the results of, for example, a quiz or an assignment. 

The following guides can give you a greater understanding of how Grades work and you can use them to set up Grades exactly as you want.

This guide can be used with the guide "5. Optimize the Grades page".

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2. Overview of Grades

This guide gives you an overview of the functions in the Grades tool and how they are used.

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3. Create a Grade Scheme

This guide shows you where you can use grades to make a Scheme that can be used to auto-evaluate the results of, for example, a quiz or an assignment.

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4. Create a Grade Item

This guide shows how you create a Grade Item. 

A Grade Item is a way to devide different assignments, quizzes ect. and helps you to keep an overview of the different activities in your course and how has completed the activities. 

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5. Optimize the Grades page

This guide shows how you can make the front page of Grades more manageable and remove the column etc., that you don't need. 

The Enter Grades page shows where the information from grade items, grades schemes, assignments, quizzes etc. are collected and displayed.

Problems viewing the full guide? Try refreshing the page. If it does not work Press "View It" and select "Watch It" and switch back again.