Aarhus University Seal


Communities are reminiscent of the course pages in Brightspace, but instead of belonging to a course, a community is a page where you can find information about e.g. a programme, a faculty, an institute, a mentoring scheme or a bachelor's optional subject. Communities have different functions, in contrast to courses which deal with a specific course in an educational programme.

A community is often managed by one or a few administrators, and from here you can communicate and share files just like on a course to a wider number of participants.

Below you will find guides to:

1. Overview and communication in Community

This guide shows you where to find your communities and how to communicate via activity feed and announcements:

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2. Send email

This guide shows you how sending e-mails to students enrolled in a class.

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3. Activity Feed

This guide shows you how to make postings on the front page of a Brightspace course.

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